Binary Translator

To use this Binary Code Translator, Upload or Copy/Paste Binary Code into the Input Box and Hit the Translate Button.

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101


Binary to Text

Binary to Decimal

Binary to Octal

Binary to Hexadecimal


How can we improve it?


How to use our Binary Translator?

Follow the below steps to convert the binary number ito different formats

Enter the Binary Code

Upload or Copy/Paste the binary code in the given input box and hit the Convert button.

Review the Output's

Output will appear in their respective field. Review all output generated data before copy or download

Copy or Save the Output's

You can "copy or download" your results by using the copy and download feature.


Why this Binary to Text Convert is the Best

Converting long binary codes manually into text format is a difficult task. But our binary to text converter eliminates this difficulty and converts the long binary digit into ASCII text in nanoseconds, saving you precious time. Beside this conversion below are some key features that make this tool perfect.

User-Friendly Interface

Our binary translator has a very clean and user-friendly interface. You don’t have to learn the special techniques and skills to use the binary translator just enter the values and get your results.

Instant Results

The above binary translator provides the answer instantly and as soon as the binary values are provided in the input box. It converts the binary code into text format, decimal, octal, and hex number immediately by just entering the values.

Unlimited Binary Conversion

This binary converter provides unlimited conversion and gives quick results. It also provides the unlimited answer of the binary to octal, decimal, and hex numbers.

Accurate Translation

The conversion generated by our binary translator is 100 % accurate and has fast results. It provides the answer by just entering the input in the given input box and provides the instantaneous results.

Free of Charge

Our binary code translator is free of charge. You don’t need to do any registration process and not to pay any fee. You can use our binary translator to convert the binary code into english alphabets without any difficulty or hesitation.

Accessible and Portable

There is no need to use any software program to access our binary code converter on your device. You just open your browser with a compatible internet connection and search our binary translator. It is compatible with all types of devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and MacBooks.

What is Binary Translator?

Binary translator is an online tool that converts the binary code/number into text form for reading and copying purposes. Our binary translator also converts the binary code into the octal number, decimal number, and Hexa-number system.

To use a binary translator paste/write a binary number or upload the binary numbers file in the given input box and click on the convert button then get your answer in the blink of an eye. Moreover, You can copy and download your text file by using our tool features.

Our tool is an easy-to-use and friendly interface that helps to convert the binary code into English text with the help of Ascii/Unicode. While on the other hand, it converts the binary code into decimal, octal, and Hexa-decimal numbers by using the number conversion system. 

What is the Binary Number system?

It stands on the base “2” numeral system and contains the elements “0 & 1”. The word binary is derived from the “bi” which means two and its number is known as the binary number/binary code. The whole number system that contains binary numbers is known as the binary number system. 

The binary number system is built by the combination of “0 & 1” no matter how long the number such as 11001, 01001110011001100, and 11001100111111000011. In this system every digit has its placement value and one digit is known as the 1 “bit”. 

The binary bit plays an exclusive role in the field of computer language, telecommunications, and digital electronic devices such as traffic signals, temperature controllers, and alarm devices.  It helps to encode character data into the bit strings.

How to Convert Binary to Text?

Follow these steps to convert binary code to text:

  1. Firstly, divide the binary code into the 8-bit group of binary numbers from left to right, and if the last number has less than 8 digits, add the leading zeros.
  2. Use the binary alphabet chart to match each binary number with the respective ASCII character.
  3. Lastly, Arrange the ASCII-character in order of their corresponding 8-bit group and get the required Text.

Lets understand the the conversion with a few examples.



Convert 00100100 01001110 01000001 01010010 01000011 01001111 to text: 


Step#1: Split the long binary code into the group of 8-bit and note the ASCII characters from the ASCII table

Binary Group  

ASCII Character
01001110 N
01010010 R
01001111 O

Step#2: Finally, combine the characters in the order concerning the binary digit, and we get the final text. $NARCO



Convert 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 to text

Step#1: Split the long binary code into the group of 8-bit binary numbers and Note the value of the ASCII character from the binary table

Binary GroupASCII Character

Step#2: We combine the characters based on the binary digit and get the final text: HELLO


Convert 01101100011011110111011001100101 to text:

Step#1: Split the binary number into a group of 8-bit binary numbers from left to right and note the value of the ASCII Character from the ASCII table for each 8-bit binary number. 

Binary Group   

ASCII Character









Step#2: Combine the characters according to the binary numbers to get the text: LOVE

How to Read Binary Code?

If you are interested in understanding how to read the binary code then firstly, know how binary numbers work. The binary is known as the “base 2” numbering system, and there are two possible numbers “0 & 1”. 

This helps to understand how the binary language works in programming and performs results in computers or other software appliances. To read a binary code typically means to translate the binary numbers into text form. Moreover, binary code to converted into decimal, octal, and hexadecimal numbers. It helps to understand like as the bit (i.e., 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, and 8-bit).

For the reading of the binary code, follow the steps below.

  • For reading of binary code start from the rightmost side and select the least most digit of the binary from the rightmost side. While the most significant digit (Msd) is from the leftmost side of the number.
  • To read the binary number from the rightmost side and give the placement value of every digit. It starts from zero and goes on up to the “7”. If the number of digits in the given binary number is more than eight digits, then make the group of the eight digits and set the placement value from right to left.
  • Now, set the placement value in the exponent of the “2” and solve the exponent values or add all the values.


Frequently Asked Questions

Explore answers to all binary translation related questions for quick insights and information.

What is binary code?

Binary code is the most fundamental language that all computers and digital devices understand. It's a system where information is represented using only two symbols: 0 and 1 (i.e., 111000100100101010101011, 111000010101001010).

What is Binary Digit (bit)?

A binary digit, more commonly known as a "bit," is the smallest possible unit of information in computers and digital communication.A bit can have only one of two values: 0 or 1.

What is binary code translator?

A binary code translator is a tool that translates the binary code into formats that humans can understand and vice versa. It converts binary to text, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal.

How can I decode a binary number?

Decoding binary numbers manually is a confusing task. Follow the steps below to decode binary numbers quickly.

  1. Head to an online Binary Translator
  2. Upload or Copy/Paste the binary code into the input box
  3. Hit the Convert button.
  4. Copy or Download the output in text, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.

What is bit and byte with example?

A bit is the smallest unit of data in computers, represented as 0 or 1. For example, a bit can indicate a light switch's state: 0 for off, 1 for on. A byte consists of eight bits and can represent a single character, like 'A' or 'a'. For instance, the letter 'A' is represented as the byte 01000001 in ASCII code.

Can I Convert Text into Binary Code?

Yes, you can convert text into binary code by using our text to binary converter. You just enter your text in the input box and get your results in binary code in a few seconds.

How to write Hello in Binary?

To write "Hello" in binary, using the ASCII encoding for each character, you convert each letter into its ASCII decimal representation and then convert each decimal to binary:

  • H is 72 in ASCII, which is 01001000 in binary.
  • e is 101 in ASCII, which is 01100101 in binary.
  • l is 108 in ASCII, which is 01101100 in binary (note this appears twice for the two "l"s).
  • o is 111 in ASCII, which is 01101111 in binary.

So, "Hello" in binary is 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111.

How to write I love you in binary code?

Note the values from the ASCII table for each alphabet of the “I Love You” and concatenate the binary values of each alphabet to get your binary code. Thus the binary code representation of the “I love you” is “01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101”.

Does the Binary Converter Work with Other Languages?

Yes, our binary converter can work with other languages by using character encoding standards that support those languages, such as UTF-8 for a wide range of international characters.

What does 0100100001101001 mean in binary?

The binary sequence 0100100001101001 represents the ASCII values for the letters "Hi" when converted to text.

What does 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001 mean?

The binary sequence 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001 translates to "Hello!"


Table of Binary Code Translation

Some common values of binary code with there’s ASCII, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal values

Binary ASCII Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
00000000 NUL 0 0 00
00000001 SOH 1 1 01
00000010 STX 2 2 02
00000011 ETX 3 3 03
00000100 EOT 4 4 04
00000101 ENQ 5 5 05
00000110 ACK 6 6 06
00000111 BEL 7 7 07
00001000 BS 10 8 08
00001001 HT 11 9 09
00001010 LF 12 10 0A
00001011 VT 13 11 0B
00001100 FF 14 12 0C
00001101 CR 15 13 0D
00001110 SO 16 14 0E
00001111 SI 17 15 0F
00010000 DLE 20 16 10
00010001 DC1 21 17 11
00010010 DC2 22 18 12
00010011 DC3 23 19 13
00010100 DC4 24 20 14
00010101 NAK 25 21 15
00010110 SYN 26 22 16
00010111 ETB 27 23 17
00011000 CAN 30 24 18
00011001 EM 31 25 19
00011010 SUB 32 26 1A
00011011 ESC 33 27 1B
00011100 FS 34 28 1C
00011101 GS 35 29 1D
00011110 RS 36 30 1E
00011111 US 37 31 1F
00100000 Space 40 32 20
00100001 ! 41 33 21
00100010 " 42 34 22
00100011 # 43 35 23
00100100 $ 44 36 24
00100101 % 45 37 25
00100110 & 46 38 26
00100111 ' 47 39 27
00101000 ( 50 40 28
00101001 ) 51 41 29
00101010 * 52 42 2A
00101011 + 53 43 2B
00101100 , 54 44 2C
00101101 - 55 45 2D
00101110 - 56 46 2E
00101111 / 57 47 2F
00110000 0 60 48 30
00110001 1 61 49 31
00110010 2 62 50 32
00110011 3 63 51 33
00110100 4 64 52 34
00110101 5 65 53 35
00110110 6 66 54 36
00110111 7 67 55 37
00111000 8 70 56 38
00111001 9 71 57 39
00111010 : 72 58 3A
00111011 ; 73 59 3B
00111100 < 74 60 3C
00111101 = 75 61 3D
00111110 > 76 62 3E
00111111 ? 77 63 3F
01000000 @ 100 64 40
01000001 A 101 65 41
01000010 B 102 66 42
01000011 C 103 67 43
01000100 D 104 68 44
01000101 E 105 69 45
01000110 F 106 70 46
01000111 G 107 71 47
01001000 H 110 72 48
01001001 I 111 73 49
01001010 J 112 74 4A
01001011 K 113 75 4B
01001100 L 114 76 4C
01001101 M 115 77 4D
01001110 N 116 78 4E
01001111 o 117 79 4F
01010000 P 120 80 50
01010001 Q 121 81 51
01010010 R 122 82 52
01010011 S 123 83 53
01010100 T 124 84 54
01010101 U 125 85 55
01010110 V 126 86 56
01010111 W 127 87 57
01011000 X 130 88 58
01011001 Y 131 89 59
01011010 Z 132 90 5A
01011011 [ 133 91 5B
01011100 \ 134 92 5C
01011101 ] 135 93 5D
01011110 A 136 94 5E
01011111 - 137 95 5F
01100000 . 140 96 60
01100001 a 141 97 61
01100010 b 142 98 62
01100011 C 143 99 63
01100100 d 144 100 64
01100101 e 145 101 65
01100110 f 146 102 66
01100111 g 147 103 67
01101000 h 150 104 68
01101001 i 151 105 69
01101010 j 152 106 6A
01101011 k 153 107 6B
01101100 I 154 108 6C
01101101 m 155 109 6D
01101110 n 156 110 6E
01101111 o 157 111 6F
01110000 p 160 112 70
01110001 q 161 113 71
01110010 r 162 114 72
01110011 S 163 115 73
01110100 t 164 116 74
01110101 u 165 117 75
01110110 V 166 118 76
01110111 W 167 119 77
01111000 X 170 120 78
01111001 y 171 121 79
01111010 Z 172 122 7A
01111011 { 173 123 7B
01111100 | 174 124 7C
01111101 } 175 125 7D
01111110 or 176 126 7E
01111111 DEL 177 127 7F


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